Every great beat is a carefully construct interaction between the individual rhythms. It is very important to get the timing right or else it will just sound terrible.
Time the release of each ball such that it bounce off the blocks, creating a note with each hit. Only if you can are able to mix all the notes into your beat are you allowed to continue to the next level.
Make the ball bounce against the blocks to create music. Use all blocks in your beat to continue to the next level.
Left click on one of the gates to release a ball. The ball will leave the gate at a downward angle and bounce off any block that it hits and it will continue to hit another block.
A block will disappear for eight beats after it has been hit. Choose which gates to use and time the release of each one.
You are only allowed to use a certain number of gates for each level. Click a gate again to cancel the release.
Music Bounce is an online puzzle game developed by, and has been played 236662 times on
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