It's about a robot that goes back in time for some reason. (His best friend's a talking pie!)
Use your time machine to create past versions of yourself, work together to solve each all 35 levels!
Use the arrow keys or WASD to move, space bar to lift crates and use your time pod.
Each level contains a puzzle that must be solved by interacting with past versions of yourself. The game records your movements. When you use the Time Pod to travel back to the beginning of the level, you see a past version of yourself doing exactly what you did before entering the pod. You can create as many copies of yourself as you need to solve the puzzle, but be careful not to change the past too much. If you interfere with a past self's ability to return to the Time Pod, you cause a PARADOX!
Chronotron is an online puzzle game developed by Scarybug, and has been played 342443 times on
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