Oroboros is a classic dodge-n-slash game. Rack up insane combo multipliers, slice enemies into pieces, and be nimble with your mouse! The gameplay is at first simple: Some things will hurt you, some will help you, some will do both. Avoid the stuff that hurts, and collect the stuff that helps!
You can buy upgrades to evolve your creature, the gameplay will be different depending on the upgrade path you choose.
Use the mouse to move, spacebar for bombs. Left-click retracts your tail
M key opens menu
P key pauses the game
*Harvest the Energy Clusters by eating them with your "face" not your "tail". Always protect your tail!
*Power up your agility and cohesion stats first. Without these, your tail will be slow as molasses.
*Blades and Armor only work "after" you get the power ups, and they degrade rapidly, so be sure to power them up with evo points.
Oroboros is an avoider game. That being said, you can still kill things if you use the right weapons.
Seekers - weak against blades
Swarmers - weak against energy bombs (space bar)
Warpers - Invincible, but you can use them as a shield against rocket attacks
Rockets - Use level 3 armor to block them (try to lure enemies into their path for some extra fun!)
P.S. This game goes on for infinity (hence the name Oroboros). If you really wanted to, you could play it until hell freezes over, Please don't though... There are lots of other great games to check out, and things to do with your life!
P.S.S be sure to check out the score stats in the game menu (M key to open). It will tell you how well you are doing, and how the points are calculated!
Oroboros is an online action game developed by FunFaceGames, and has been played 89747 times on Bubblebox.com.
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