Douchebags aren't born...they are made. And now you can make your very own and guide him on his quest for big muscles, flashy clothes, and shallow girls!
Send homeboy to the gym, tanning saloon, mall and other places douchebags love to go. Help build him into the ultimate douchebag and before long chicks will be all over you like a "Von Douche" tee that's two sizes too small!
Wanna find out how to become the ultimate douchebag?
To use the following cheats you must hold Shift and a letter on your keyboard.
Shift u : Makes the time go backwards one hour.
Shift i : Makes the time go forward one hour.
Shift s : Gives you $10
*Using cheat codes disables highscore submission.*
Mouse - Navigate
Left Click - Interact
Douchebag Life is an online adventure game developed by Pyrozen Productions, and has been played 150871 times on
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